Products / Multiomics

Life is complex and results from interactions between different classes of biomolecules including metabolites, lipids, proteins, glycans and nucleic acids. Much research has focused on particular biomolecular classes in isolation. Such studies restrict their scope of success and yield limited understanding of complex living systems. Because biomarkers are found in all classes of biomolecules, a holistic multiomics analytical approach enhances our ability to develop reliable diagnostic, prognostic, predictive and therapeutic tools. Indeed, the desired information may only be discernable from a combinatorial omics approach. ProtiFi developed solutions to these problems.


The Si-Trap is the world's first and only multiomics sample preparation system that provides, from a single sample, separate fractions for different omics analyses. The Si-Trap can be used with the proteomics tools ProtiFi offers.


The multiomics data acquired is analyzed by SimpliFi, our intuitive data-to-meaning omics data analysis engine which accepts anything with a ChEBI or UniProt identifier. SimpliFi handles the massive quantity of multiomics data by running in the cloud using scalable GPU algorithms that make no assumptions about the data.

Tecan A200

Tecan A200 offers an affordable, compact, benchtop sample preparation automation for proteomics to get maximum process reproducibility and uniformity. The Resolvex® A200 positive pressure workstation comes preloaded with S-Traps proteomics protocols.


PIXUL™ is the first and only truly parallel multi-sample megasonicator to give extremely reproducible homogenization. It is fast, simple, and inexpensive to operate.